When you're finished shopping, click on “Shopping cart" to place your order. Price and availability will be displayed. You may also edit your order at this time. When you’re happy with your order, proceed to checkout.

Once you have placed your order, you will receive an email confirmation. An additional email will be sent to notify you that your order has dispatched.

Question 1: How long are shipping?

A: Domestic shipping can take up to 12-26 days. Standard shipping can take up to 15-30 days. We will contact our customers if there are any delays or issues about your product shipment.

Question 2: How can customer's receive refund? 

A: If there is any defects or the product is not the same as the description. Contact us currentjewelryshop@gmail.com. 

Note: refunds are only available within 30 days after customers receive the product. 

Question 3: How can I add a discount on my order?

A: Discount code can be added when you are in the checkout.